God Vibrations explores the scientific and supernatural impact of sound on every level of human consciousness as well as the physical and spiritual world around us.

This transformational teaching by Dan McCollam has impacted thousands of worshippers worldwide as they begin to grasp how science and scripture are confirming the power we have to transform atmospheres through the power of worship. Completing this course will give you greater revelation and understanding both from a scriptural and scientific perspective. Closing the gap between the two, this course is knowledge based with a practical application via the student completing experiments, journalling and life application exercises. There is also an assessment requirement at the end of the course.

  • Understand scriptures that lay a foundation for the physics of sound and how it relates to the power of worship

  • Identify scientific and extra biblical sources that confirm scriptural foundations for the power/physics of sound

  • Understand the basics of atomic particles, string theory, quantum field theory and its connection in worship and creation

  • Understand the scientific theory of the principle of entrainment and it’s connection to our worship expressions, conversations, self talk, prayers, declarations and our praises

  • Understand the phenomenon of Synesthesia

  • Observe the power of sound in action through the scientific experiments performed in the videos

  • Observe how sound shapes matter

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Lead worship, write songs, pray and create with greater authority based on the revelations received through this module

  • Communicate succinctly and accurately to others the connection between physics and worship

  • Perform scientific experiments on your own

What's Included

  • Videos

  • Assessments

    Opportunity to hand in your assessments/research

  • Fill in the blank Study Guide

  • Quizzes

  • 7 Week In Depth Study

  • Discussion Board

Course curriculum

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
    • Session 3 Video GV

    • Study Notes Wk 3 GV

    • Quiz 3

    • Further study and oberservation Wk 3

  4. 5
    • Session 4 Video GV

    • Study Notes - Wk 4

    • Quiz 4

    • Further study and observation Wk GV

  5. 6
    • Video Session 5 GV

    • Study Guide Week 5

    • Quiz 5

    • Further study and observation Wk 5

  6. 7
    • Video Session 6

    • Study Guide - Chapter 6 GV

    • Tacoma_Narrows_Bridge

    • sound_from_heaven

    • Quiz 6

    • Further study and observation Wk 6

  7. 8
    • Assignment 1 - Principle of Entrainment: WRITTEN

    • Assignment 2 - Principle Of Entrainment: VIDEO

    • Final words GV

    • Answers to fill-in-the-blanks - God Vibrations